iFEM site development notes

Adding new pages in documentation site

  • Writing in markdown.
  • To put it under a certain category, copy the markdown file together with its image folder (under the same name) to _pages (documents for iFEM usage, community research, update, logs, etc). Directly copying _todo folders fem, afem, solver to _fem, _afem, _solver is easier but we need to add those folders to include: in _config.yml.
  • Adding the following preamble to the markdown file: where category is either fem, afem, solver, etc.
      permalink: /category/page-name/
      title: "Page Title"
          nav: docs
  • The default left sidebar navigation is docs, there are other navigation links in _data/navigation.yml.

Testing pages

  • To test building the site locally, install ruby and jekyll (see below for details).
  • To add a test page, we can add test_something.md in _pages, then the page can be accessed directly without being shown up in the site using the permalink in the markdown file’s preamble. If permalink: /test/test_something/ is added, then http://localhost:4000/ifem/test/test_something/ should work in the local served version and http://lyc1012.github.io/ifem/test/test_something/ when deployed.


July 27, 2021

  • Adding Jekyll preambles to un-deployed .md converted from the old /ifemdoc/*/*.ipynb are in _todo.
  • re-organizing _todo folders to their corresponding iFEM main repo folders.
  • manually checked the links in nav.

July 25, 2021

Manually verified building on MacOS. Installation guide on MacOS: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/macos/. The easiest way is to use brew to install ruby and jekyll.

brew install ruby


# If you're using Zsh
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

# If you're using Bash
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

After Ruby is installed, install Jekyll using gem install --user-install bundler jekyll. Now under the docs folder, run bundle install to install the dependencies then bundle exec jekyll serve will start a localhost to serve the pages at

July 23, 2021

  • Set up the doc site.
  • Navigation /_data/navigation.yml controls all the navigation bars.
  • Main scss is assets/css/main.scss controls the main CSS styles. Global var is defined before @import, syntax highlighting and colors can be defined in the same file after @import "minimal-mistakes/skins/default", adjustment to others or customized CSS can be added after @import "minimal-mistakes".
  • $\LaTeX$ can be added using the usual $ $ or $$ $$.
    • Kramdown supports \eqref as well. For an example, please refer to _docs/fem-poisson.md. Inside the mathmode, at the end of an equation, add \tag{num}\label{label_name}, then \eqref{} can be directly called in the main text.
    • In MathJax, \{\} needs to be rewritten to \\{\\} to escape the backslash interpreter for HTML; also for nested subscripts or subscripts in superscripts, the underscore _ needs a backslash \ before it, for example, $u_{g_D}$ needs to be $u_{g\_D}$.